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Are You a Perfectionist? Take Our Quiz to Find Out!

Are You a Perfectionist Quiz

Are you a perfectionist? I know that when it comes to certain things, I am. But sometimes, things just aren’t perfect, no matter how hard you try. This delightful picture book feels especially relevant right now, with the pandemic changing people’s plans for summer, school, travel, graduation—everything! I’m thrilled to partner with Two Lions press to bring you this blog post.

Keep reading to learn more about the book and find out if you’re a true perfectionist with our fun quiz!

It Is Not Perfect is the fifth book in the You Are Not Small series featuring two fuzzy critters, simple dialogue, and a whole lot of laughs. I’ve read a few of the books in this series and was thrilled to participate in the release of this one. I read it to my 4-year-old daughter and she agrees with me that this is a cute book. It’s funny, charming, and gently thought-provoking.

It is Not Perfect Interior Art

© Christopher Weyant. Used with permission.

The two critters are at the beach, building a sandcastle. Just when they declare it finished, one of them decides that it’s not quite perfect. As they build and make adjustments to their sandcastle, other animals stop by and offer input and ideas. Soon, they’ve built a sandcastle that would put even my best efforts to shame. But just when they’re getting ready to immortalize their perfect project, something (not so) unexpected happens.

It is Not Perfect Interior Art

© Christopher Weyant. Used with permission.

If you’re looking for a cute and funny picture book, you can’t go wrong with this one. Alternatively, if you’re interested in a deeper message, you can find a couple in the story. First, everyone’s idea of perfection is different. The critters discover that design by committee is nearly impossible and someone will always be unhappy with some aspect of a group project. Second, while perfection is elusive, it can be found at unexpected times. You may not be able to build and keep the perfect sandcastle, but you can share a perfect moment with a friend.

About the Book

It Is Not Perfect by Anna Kang, illustrated by Christopher Weyant. Two fuzzy critters try to build the perfect sandcastle at the beach. |

It Is Not Perfect by Anna Kang, illustrated by Christopher Weyant

Two fuzzy creatures are happily putting the finishing touches on their sandcastle when each of them thinks of something that would make it even better. As they work furiously to incorporate each new change, their tiny sandcastle becomes an over-the-top palace…but is it really perfect?

This latest book in the beloved series featuring the pals from Theodor Seuss Geisel Award winner You Are (Not) Small reminds us that perfection is in the eye—and heart—of the beholder.

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Are You a Perfectionist Quiz

Are you a perfectionist? Take our quiz to find out!

Dena McMurdie is an award-winning artist and the owner of Red Wolf Press. She has written and illustrated several books for children and lives in North Carolina with her family.

