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Send Your Kids on a Pirate Treasure Hunt! (Printable Clues)

Pirate Treasure Hunt Printables

The school year is about to start! Maybe it’s already started for you. Either way, this is the time of year when kids start feeling those first-day jitters. Kindergarten is especially scary, and lots of kids have a hard time adjusting to being a “big kid”. Pirates Don’t Go to Kindergarten by Lisa Robinson is a super cute picture book about a little girl who wants to stay in preschool instead of moving up. Keep reading to learn more about the book and print your own set of pirate treasure hunt clues!

When Emma goes to Kindergarten on the first day of school, she’s hit by a case of nerves. She wants her old captain and crew back! So she heads to the preschool class to see if she can rally the troops to fight for her cause against Kindergarten. But when Emma realizes she doesn’t belong in preschool anymore, she decides to give kindergarten a try.

With a spunky main character, daring deeds, and even an attempted mutiny, Pirates Don’t Go to Kindergarten is a swashbuckling adventure that’s just right for 5-year-olds. Grab yer cutlass and eye patch matey, because you’re about to get swept away on a pirate ship!

Keep reading to print out a pirate treasure hunt game for kids (complete with clues). Thank you to Two Lions Press for teaming up with me to make this post and free printable possible.

Want to save this post for later? Save this image to your Pinterest board!

Pirates Don't Go to Kindergarten Book Review. My preschooler loves this swashbuckling story of a girl who wants to stay in preschool instead of move up to Kindergarten. Don't miss this swashbuckling back-to-school adventure! Plus, print your own pirate treasure hunt clues! | #kidlit #backtoschool #kindergartenbook #goingtoschool


Print a Pirate Treasure Hunt Game

Pirate treasure hunt clues to print

Whenever my mother-in-law comes to visit, she puts together a pirate treasure hunt for my kids. She keeps things pretty simple. The booty is a cardboard box she fills with dollar store goodies and treats. Then, she makes clues and hides them all around the house and outside. She has my kids dress up as pirates and go hunting for treasure. It’s a huge hit!

To make things easy, I made these printables for you. You’ll find a treasure hunt announcement scroll and several clues you can use. I’ve also included blank scrolls so you can write your own clues.

Just click the button below, print, and start your hunt!

[button url=””]Pirate Treasure Hunt Printable[/button]

About the Book

Pirates Don't Go to Kindergarten by Lisa Robinson, illustrated by Eda Kaban. Emma doesn't want to go to kindergarten, so she heads back to preschool in an attempt to lead a mutiny against kindergarten! A super cute pirate-themed book that's perfect for rising kindergarteners and back to school! | #kidlit #picturebooks #backtoschool

Pirates Don’t Go to Kindergarten by Lisa Robinson, illustrated by Eda Kaban

Yo, ho, ho! It’s a mutiny against kindergarten!

Pirate Emma is about to start kindergarten! But Emma’s not so sure she’s ready for a new captain and crew. Especially since Cap’n Chu—the roughest, toughest, awesomest preschool cap’n ever—is right down the hall. So Emma decides to head back to the preschool ship to see if she can stir up a mutiny against kindergarten! Is that what she really wants? Or does she just miss her beloved Cap’n Chu? Batten down the hatches, mateys, because the first day of school is going to be stormy!

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I partnered with Two Lions Press to create this post. This blog uses affiliate links. If you make a purchase using one of our links, we may receive a small commission at no cost to you.

Dena McMurdie is an award-winning artist and the owner of Red Wolf Press. She has written and illustrated several books for children and lives in North Carolina with her family.




  • Lisa Robinson

    Awesome pirate treasure hunt activity! I wish my kids were young enough for me to do it! Thanks for your lovely post and review!

    • Dena at Batch of Books

      Thanks, Lisa! My preschooler and I love your book. It’s so sad when kids get too old to enjoy pirate treasure hunts!

  • Sheri Dillard

    Fun post! Thanks, Dena! And congratulations, Lisa! 🙂

  • donna holder

    this is so cute