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Epic Digital Library is the BEST eBook Reading App for Kids

Epic! Digital Library is the BEST reading app ebook library for kids. Ebooks for kids in a handy app that's kid friendly and perfect for readers under the age of twelve. They have picture book ebooks, middle grade ebooks, and chapter book ebooks for kids. With thousands of titles from big publishers, every kid will find something they love. It's an ebook subscription service or a digital library for kids. Pay a fee every month and get access to thousands of ebooks, audiobooks, and read-to-me books for children ages 0-12. It's so much fun! My kids love it and I feel better about screen time when it's educational. |

I’ve tried out several digital libraries for my kids and I have to say the Epic digital library is the best one.

As always, this blog post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase using one of my links, Epic! will pay me a small commission at no cost to you.

Other Digital Libraries and eBook Apps I’ve tried:

  • Storia: This one is from Scholastic and I really liked it, but it’s no longer available for regular consumers.
  • Kindle FreeTime: My kids currently have this on their tablets, but it’s kind of clunky and not very intuitive.
  • Book Apps from the App Store: I’ve downloaded individual books and apps that contain libraries. Both are okay, but with the emphasis on moving parts and sounds, they’re more like games than books.

When I discovered Epic!, I was excited because I really liked using the Storia app when it was available to regular consumers. I wanted another ebook app for my kids, but couldn’t find anything that had:

  1. Popular books from large publishers.
  2. An easy-to-use interface.
  3. Audiobooks.
  4. Read-to-me books.
  5. A whole library in one app.

Which is why I love the Epic digital library ebook app. They’ve built a fantastic ebook app for kids that’s easy to use and full of amazing titles.

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Epic! Digital Library is the BEST reading app ebook library for kids. Ebooks for kids in a handy app that's kid-friendly and perfect for readers under the age of twelve. They have picture book ebooks, middle grade ebooks, and chapter book ebooks for kids. With thousands of titles from big publishers, every kid will find something they love. It's an ebook subscription service or a digital library for kids. Pay a fee every month and get access to thousands of ebooks, audiobooks, and read-to-me books for children ages 0-12. It's so much fun! My kids love it and I feel better about screen time when it's educational. |

Why We Love Epic Digital Library

They Have a Fantastic Book Selection

They have thousands of great titles from big publishers like Macmillan and HarperCollins. Some of my kids’ favorite books are on there, and they’re always discovering new titles too.

Thousands of high quality titles.

The App is Dummy-Proof

And I mean this with all possible love. I’m not the most tech-savvy person in the world and yet my child has never had to show me how to work the Epic app. I figured it out all on my own. Go me!

They Create Book Collections Around Themes

Looking for Black History Month titles? They have them. Valentine’s Day books? Yup. Mother’s Day reads? You betcha.

Whether you’re looking for poetry, early readers, or concept books for toddlers, you can easily find curated collections of books to suit your needs.

10 Books for Early Readers

I Have Complete Control *Laughs Evilly*

I like knowing what my kids have access to and having control over what kinds of content they consume.

Hands down, the Epic digital library is the easiest ebook app I’ve used in this regard. I created a profile for each of my kids, entered their ages, and added their interests (took a total of 1 minute). BAM! They’ve got a digital library full of age-appropriate books tailored to their interests.

I don’t have to worry about them accessing inappropriate content on the app because:

  1. There isn’t any. All content is appropriate for kids ages 12 and under. And
  2. I control EVERYTHING (insert evil mom laugh here).

If I update a kid’s profile, it simultaneously updates across all devices. By logging into my parent profile, I can see exactly what my kids have read, how long they read, and what badges they’ve earned.

I can even give them assignments.


Summer reading just got a whole lot simpler.


Epic! Digital Library. Ebooks for kids in a handy app that's kid-friendly and perfect for readers under the age of twelve. They have picture book ebooks, middle grade ebooks, and chapter book ebooks for kids. With thousands of titles from big publishers, every kid will find something they love. It's an ebook subscription service or a digital library for kids. Pay a fee every month and get access to thousands of ebooks, audiobooks, and read-to-me books for children ages 0-12. It's so much fun! My kids love it and I feel better about screen time when it's educational. |

It Works on Everything

Don’t have a tablet? No problem. Epic digital library works on just about everything. From phones and tablets to laptops and desktops, Epic works on the app or a browser.
Read on Epic! Anywhere. Anytime. On any device.

My Kids Love Epic Digital Library

Which isn’t a surprise, really. Most kids prefer to read on a device, and mine are no different. They love the selection of books and the way they can earn rewards and badges for the time they spend reading.

At the end of every week, Epic digital library sends me an email with a progress update for each of my kids. You can turn this off if you want, but it’s a handy way to quickly see what your kids are reading without logging in to your account.

Earn badges & rewards as you read.

Epic is Free for Teachers and Librarians

I still can’t get over the fact that Epic is completely free for teachers and librarians.

If you’re a teacher, Epic digital library is the easiest way to add thousands of new books to your classroom without spending a dime.

When a student has earned some free time, they can spend it by reading on Epic! Teachers can also give reading assignments to students through the app, which opens a whole world of possibilities.

Books in Other Languages

They have books in Spanish, Chinese, and French! If you speak another language or you’re learning one, this is a great resource. You can get your hands on oodles of books written in these languages.

Get One Free Book Per Day

Epic now offers a free “basic” plan where readers can access one book for free per day. If your kid is a voracious reader and one book per day won’t satisfy them, you can get the unlimited plan, which ranges from $7-10/month, depending on if you choose yearly or monthly payments.

Want to give it a go? Click on the Epic logo below to start reading for free.



Dena McMurdie is an award-winning artist and the owner of Red Wolf Press. She has written and illustrated several books for children and lives in North Carolina with her family.




  • Savannah Hendricks

    Epic is an excellent app. My book does well on there even two years after publication. I know children and parents love this app.

  • Savannah Hendricks

    And I. Crazy phone. Nonnie and I

    • Dena at Batch of Books

      Oh that’s right. That’s a sweet book. I’ll have to read it again!

    • Dena at Batch of Books

      I went and read Nonnie and I again. It’s very cute!

      • Savannah Hendricks

        Thank you so much. I love hearing that💖💖💖

  • Savings InSeconds

    I’m a 6th grade language arts teacher and my school has a 1-to-1 program, so each child has a Chromebook. I’ve heard of Epic but haven’t had the chance to really give it a try.

    • Dena at Batch of Books

      Oh wow! That’s an awesome program. How wonderful for your students!

      I hope you get the chance to give Epic a try. I’d love to know what you think.