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10 YA Books to Read Before Summer Ends in 2017

10 YA Books to Read Before Summer Ends 2017 | Books for teens and young adult readers to read in 2017. | Best books for summer 2017. | YA books to read this summer |

What YA books are you planning to read before the summer ends?

Summer is my favorite time to read. In North Carolina, the hot days make it nearly impossible to spend time outside, and what better way to spend all that indoor time than with a good book? Plus, there are beach days, pool days, and evenings in the backyard hammock to consider. All those situations call for a book.

I’ve read quite a few of these already and the others are on my TBR list.

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10 YA Books to Read Before Summer Ends in 2017

Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo | A young adult retelling of the legend of Wonder Woman | Superhero books for teens and young adults. | redwolfpress.comWonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo

You guys, this book is so worth the wait! I LOVED the Wonder Woman movie and the book is just as good. It’s not a novelization of the movie—it has a completely different story (other than a few unavoidable similarities). But it was such a great read and I can’t recommend it enough for superhero fans and strong girls everywhere. Plus, it was a pretty clean read and a ton of fun. It’s not coming out until the end of August, but it’s available for pre-order.

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Now I Rise by Kiersten White | The Conqueror's Saga Book 2 | Young adult and New Adult book to read about an alternative history if Vlad the Impaler was a girl. | Books to read summer of 2017. | redwolfpress.comNow I Rise by Kiersten White

I read And I Darken when it first came out and I even got to interview Kiersten, so of course, I HAD to read Now I Rise. It’s got all the same awesome characters, political maneuvering, and even more fighting than in the first book. If you haven’t started this series yet, these last few weeks are perfect for squeezing these books in.

Content advisory: This book has a semi-descriptive sex scene and lots of violence.

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Midnight Jewel by Richelle Mead, The Glittering Court Book 2. | Young adult fantasy series about young women venturing to a new world and making their futures there. | YA books to read in summer of 2017. | redwolfpress.comMidnight Jewel by Richelle Mead

I read The Glittering Court last year when it came out and it has stayed with me through the months. This is Mira’s story. She was so quiet and mysterious in the first book that I don’t think I can pass this one up. She’s different from the other girls in so many ways and she has her own ideas and plans for the future. I’ll definitely try to squeeze this one in before summer ends.

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Flame in the Mist by Renee Ahdieh, a young adult fantasy novel set in historical Japan. Best YA books to read summer of 2017. | redwolfpress.comFlame in the Mist by Renne Ahdieh

I love books that take place in Asia, no matter the age group or genre. So, when I saw this gorgeous cover and heard (the incorrect rumor) that it was a retelling of Mulan, I snatched it from the library before hoards of book nerds came running. It’s not really a retelling of Mulan, but it sure was fun to read. Magic, emperors, diabolical plots, sword fighting, samurais…yup, this book has it all.

Content advisory: This book has a non-descriptive sex scene.

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Once and For All by Sarah Dessen | Young adult romance novel to read | YA books to read summer of 2017 | best YA beach reads for summer | redwolfpress.comOnce and for All by Sarah Dessen

I’ve never read a book by Sarah Dessen (gasp!). I know. You can run me out of town with your torches and pitch forks later, but right now I want to get this book from the library and read it all in one go. Sarah Dessen is one of the most beloved contemporary romance authors for young adults right now and I can’t think of a better way to spend a hot summer afternoon than by reading her latest book. That is if I can get a copy of it without beating off the other library patrons. If I “borrowed” it from someone else’s request shelf, do you think they’d be upset?

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One of Us is Lying by Karen M. McManus | YA thriller for fans of We Were Liars. Young adult books to read summer of 2017. Best YA books to read for teens. | redwolfpress.comOne of Us is Lying by Karen M. McManus

Young adult thrillers are HUGE right now. There are so many being published, but this one has been on the New York Times bestseller list for three weeks and I WANT TO READ IT. I didn’t know I liked YA thrillers until recently, but now I can’t get enough of them. This is such an interesting premise, too. Five teens go to detention, but only four come out alive. So what happened? I NEED TO KNOW. Luckily, I only have to wait for 52 other people to finish reading it before I can get my copy from the library.

Update: I got it, read it, and loved it! I’ve also read the author’s other books, too.

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Be True to Me by Adele Griffin. A YA romance set in the 1970s as two girls compete for the love of one boy. Young Adult romance for summer.Be True to Me by Adele Griffin

I read this a few months ago and I loved it so much! I actually enjoy a good love triangle, but this book was not your typical triangle. Two girls fall in love with the same boy during summer vacation in a small island community. It could have been a sunny, easy-going beach read, but there’s a major plot twist that throws everything off course.

Content advisory: This book has some semi-descriptive sex scenes.

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All the Wind in the World by Samantha Mabry, author of A Fierce and Subtle Poison. Young adult books to read summer of 2017. YA books for teens. | redwolfpress.comAll the Wind in the World by Samantha Mabry

I had mixed emotions after reading A Fierce and Subtle Poison by the same author, but I will say this—I can’t stop thinking about it. Because of the sticking power that story had, I’m interested to see what All the Wind in the World has in store for me. This is a must-read before the summer ends.

Update: I read it and WOW. Not sure what to think. It was bizarre and unsettling while also being utterly captivating. If you want an unputdownable YA book to read this summer, pick this one up.

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It Started With Goodbye by Christina June | A YA retelling of Cinderella. Young adult books about Cinderella | Modern fairy tales and contemporary retellings of fairy tales. | redwolfpress.comIt Started with Goodbye by Christina June

This is a super cute, squeaky clean, contemporary retelling of Cinderella. It’s a quick read that you should be able to finish in one or two sittings. It offers a refreshing perspective on certain topics and issues (like step-parents, punishment, and attitude). I had a great time reading this story and I loved the Cinderella elements in it.

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Textrovert by Lindsey Summers. YA contemporary romance about a girl accidentally swapping phones with a boy.Textrovert by Lindsey Summers

Speaking of cute romance novels, this is a charmer. It’s about a girl who accidentally swaps her phone with a boy who takes her phone to football camp. They get to know each other through text messages and phone calls and eventually they meet to swap their phones back…

Yeah, it’s super cute and modern and totally, not really, but almost, believable. It’s the perfect beach read to squeeze in before summer ends.

Update: Both of my teenage daughters have read this book now and they loved it. It’s so cute!

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Dena McMurdie is an award-winning artist and the owner of Red Wolf Press. She has written and illustrated several books for children and lives in North Carolina with her family.




  • I have a couple of these on my bookshelf to read! One book that I really loved was Witchtown. The main character is one I’d follow to see what happened to her.

    • Dena at Batch of Books

      Ooooh, that sounds good. I’ll have to check that one out. Thanks for the recommendation!

  • Nice list! Now I Rise – loved it! One of Us is Lying – pretty good. Be True to Me – I want to read this so bad!

    • Dena at Batch of Books

      I’m on the wait list at the library for One of Us is Lying and I’m dying of impatience! Be True to Me was really good. I hope you like it!

  • Great set of books! I’ve only read Flame in The Mist so far but I’m super excited for Wonder Woman and I’d like to read the Midnight Jewel and Now I Rise too!

    • Dena at Batch of Books

      You’re going to LOVE Wonder Woman! I got an advanced copy for some articles I’m working on and it was epic. Now I’m excited to read the other super hero books they have coming out!

      • Ahhh! Way to make me EXTRRA EXTRA excited for it! Now I can barely wait… And yet wait I will have to do! Only a couple more months!