There are so many adorable board books about travel and exploration available now. Even the smallest of readers with wanderlust can travel to new places and explore new things just by cracking a board book.
Traveling is one thing that is nearly impossible to do when you have small children—I know, I’ve tried! It’s stressful and exhausting and I usually end up muttering curse words for hours on end.
But reading a book with my toddler is the perfect way to “visit” some places without boarding a plane or spending hours or days in the car.
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So without further delay, here are some of my favorite board books about travel and exploration.
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Board Books About Travel and Exploration
My Little Cities: New York by Jennifer Adams, illustrated by Greg Pizzoli
The Big Apple awaits! This little board book features the fun and sights of the city that never sleeps—New York. The colorful illustrations and simple text make it the perfect way to introduce the city to your little one.
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My Little Cities: London by Jennifer Adams, illustrated by Greg Pizzoli
Take a quick trip across the pond to visit London! I’ve wanted to go there for as long as I can remember. From museums to weather, this board book features the sights and sounds of London.
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My Little Cities: Paris by Jennifer Adams, illustrated by Greg Pizzoli
Oooh, la la! Take me to Paris (and leave me there for a while). See the sights and tour the streets of this beautiful city. The bright illustrations and fun text will keep your baby or toddler glued to the page.
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My Little Cities: San Francisco by Jennifer Adams, illustrated by Greg Pizzoli
Won’t you save me, San Francisco? Even if you’re not a Train fan, you’ll still love this board book as it takes you to the Fisherman’s Wharf and on the cable cars of one of the most interesting and beautiful cities in the world.
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Larry Loves Boston by John Skewes
A little dog explores the historical city of Boston. From the freedom trail to Faneuil Hall, Larry guides the reader through this charming and retro-styled board book.
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Chicago Baby by Jerome Pohlen, illustrated by Violet Lemay
Babies will guide you through the iconic landmarks of Chicago. This book is charming and has a twist of humor that toddlers will love.
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Around the World by Katie Howarth, illustrated by Craig Shuttlewood
Toddlers LOVE interactive books, and finger-tracing stories are always a hit! Use your finger to help animals follow the trail around the world in this super cute board book.
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This Little Explorer: A Pioneer Primer by Joan Holub, illustrated by Daniel Roode
Learn about explorers and pioneers from history. You’ll find men and women who blazed trails, discovered new lands, and were the first in their field on the sturdy pages of this board book.
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All Aboard Pacific Northwest: A Recreation Primer by Haily Meyers
This little book explores the big chunk of land known as the Pacific Northwest. From Oregon to Washington and on to British Columbia, you’ll find interesting landmarks and fun things to do.
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Hello, World! (It’s a Small World) by Disney Book Group
If you’ve been on the “It’s a Small World” ride at Disneyland or Disney World, odds are pretty good you’ll love the book. This board book teaches kids how to say hello in ten languages.
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5 years agoThanks for including Chicago Baby!